
Unique Uses for Lemons

Have you ever wondered what you could use lemons for? If you’re like me, I typically get lemons in my water from restaurants, but I’ve never really thought of different ways to use them around the house. I have recently come across some unique uses for lemons and thought you all would get a kick out of them.

Have you ever wondered what you could use lemons for? If you’re like me, I typically get lemons in my water from restaurants, but I’ve never really thought of different ways to use them around the house. I have recently come across some unique uses for lemons and thought you all would get a kick out of them.

Cleaning – Lemons make a great cleaning aid around the home, not to mention they also make excellent air fresheners. Whenever you want to get rid of those extra lemons, squirt the juice into a spray bottle, along with some water and you have homemade cleaner. If your fridge smells a little funky, squeeze the lemon juice out of the lemon, soak it up with a sponge, and place it on a plate in the fridge. The lemon juice will neutralize the odor.

Shiny Nails – This is one unique use for lemons I have wanted to try it on my own nails. Soaking your fingernails and warm water will help you get extra shiny nails and super soft skin.

Removing Ink – I had no clue that lemons could help remove ink from different cloth surfaces. Lemon experts say that when you get ink on your shirt, put lemon juice on it right away. If you’re struggling to get other stains out of your shirts or furniture, give a lemon a try. You’ll always want to work with a small surface first to avoid ruining a large part of the cloth or surface.

Whiten Surfaces – Lemon can help whiten things around the house like your laundry and even your tennis shoes. If you’re feeling really brave, you can even use lemon to give yourself natural highlights. Have you ever used lemon juice to lighten your hair? How interesting.

What are some unique ways you have used lemons?

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