Quick and Easy Pantry Organizing Tips
Keeping your pantry organized can seem like a bit of a chore, but these super simple tips can get your pantry in tip-top shape and give you the added benefit of saving time and money.
Quick and Easy Pantry Organizing Tips
Prep the space
Prep your space by cleaning it out and throwing away things that are expired or even empty (it’s ok, we all keep empty boxes now and then). Wipe down the entire space and do not put anything back in until it has been organized properly. You want the space to be wide open when you’re placing things back in it.
Divide it up
Divide your pantry into zones to keep it organized. For example, Zone 1 should be at the top and should be things you rarely use. Zone two should be in the middle and should include breakfast items. Zone 3 is also in the middle and includes canned goods. Go on in this manner until you have zoned your entire pantry. Organize your items in this manner, but still do not place them back in the pantry.
Label it all
Place cereals, rice, snacks, sugar, flour, and anything else you can place in clear bins in those bins and label them clearly so you know what goes in them. Make sure the bins are clear so that you can easily see when you’re running low on something, which helps when meal and grocery shopping planning. If you buy stackable bins, this cuts down on the amount of space taken up from boxes, as well. Larger items, like bread, can go in baskets that are labeled accordingly. Canned goods should remain canned, but group them together in things that are similar (beans together, sauces together, etc).
Put it back in
Once you have everything zoned and labeled, put it back in the pantry. Never put items where you cannot see them! This is how you end up buying an item because you think you’re out of it, which leads to wasting money. Put them in zone by zone and do not move onto another zone until one is filled. By placing everything in the correct zone, you can find it faster and easier, and quickly identify when you need to buy something for the meals you’re planning to make.
I recently organized mine so I could “shop” my pantry and stop buying 20 cans of chicken broth which I already had (only a slight exaggeration). Pinning. Thanks for sharing!