Home Is Where Your Mom Is {Free Printable Mother’s Day Card}
As moms, we always put ourselves last, because we are always giving everything to other people in our life. It’s what we do. It’s almost as if the day we learn that we are pregnant our DNA changes to include putting ourselves last.
It sounds crazy…but it’s the truth.
Home Is Where Your Mom Is {Free Printable Mother’s Day Card}
My husband always tells me to stop putting myself last and to take time for me. I won’t lie…I never listen. It’s hard! I have tried on many occasions to put myself first, but I always end up doing something for someone else.
This Mother’s Day I plan on taking a little time to do something I love…playing in my flower beds. It makes me happy!
No matter what stage of life you are in as a mom, know that your life has meaning. You are the backbone of your home, you are the love in your childs eyes, and above all else, you are amazing.