Homemade Window Cleaner
Clean your windows for a fraction of the cost with this homemade window cleaner recipe.
Homemade Window Cleaner
Windows it seems are the vain of my existence! I clean them and 5 minutes later… their dirty again! And I know they can’t be your favorite job either. Right?
Top the fact that cleaning windows is no fun with the fact that cleaners are not cheap anymore and it put me on a quest to find an alternative. Below is a great recipe to get your windows streak free for a fraction of the cost of store purchased brands.
What you need:
- empty spray bottle
- 2 cups of water
- 1/4 cup vinegar
- 1/2 tsp dish soap
How to put it all together:
Mix all ingredients together and now you will have the cleanest windows on the block!
Do you have any tips or homemade cleaner recipes you would like to share?
My windows are never clean. I have a dog named Murphy who takes joy in goobering them up!