Email Management Tips for Gmail

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in emails? I used to feel this way until I put some email management strategies in place.

Do you ever feel like you're drowning in emails? I did, but these email management tips for gmail got me out of my inbox and back to enjoying life!

Incoming email is just like mail that you receive at home, if you don’t take control of the paper immediately it tends to get out of control. This leaves behind a paper mess that no one wants to tackle. Right?

After years of trying to find an email strategy that worked well for me, I came up with a solution that allowed me to take back control of my inbox.

It was freeing! It was uplifting! 

The best part about this email system is…it can work for you too! The freedom I feel from my inbox these days is amazing!

A while back, I spoke at a local Houston Bloggers meeting and shared my email tips with them. Some of my fellow Houston Bloggers have implemented a portion of the tips I shared during that meeting and they are already seeing the results of a clutter free, manageable inbox.

Not only are they feeling the freedom to take control of their inbox, but they are also using these tips to maximize their time online.

If you are feeling like your inbox needs to be tamed, these tips are for you. It’s not about how your inbox got out of control, it’s about how you will gain control of your inbox today.

I have a small little motto I like to follow with almost every aspect of my life…

“One small step to control life (or get it back on track) equals more time to enjoy the fun stuff in life!”

Do you feel like your inbox has it out to get you? Try these email management tips and start enjoying life again!

If you want to enjoy the fun stuff in life again, but your inbox has you bogged down, try implementing some (or all) of these Email Management Tips into your daily life.

What email management tips do you use to tame your inbox?

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