Easy Steps to Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Organization
Is your kitchen a mess? Are your kitchen cabinets cluttered? Look no further and get it all organized with these easy kitchen cabinet organization tips.
It’s time to start with the new, even if that means making what was old look new again. For instance, did you know you can make your kitchen cabinets look like new, even if you don’t put anything new in them?
Organization is a great way to start the Spring season off right, and here are five easy ways to get those cabinets in tip-top shape in no time.
Easy Steps to Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Organization
Purge, baby, purge!
Start by purging your cabinets of unneeded and unwanted items. Those old plastic cups have seen enough use, and cracked dishes are never good to keep around. Get rid of them and any old spices or damaged cookware you may have stuffed in the back.
After everything is cleaned out of the cabinets, clean the cabinets themselves. Use soap and water and clean the inside and outside of the cabinets until they shine! Or at least until they look clean.
Set up a system that would make Martha Stewart proud
Next, make a system for when you put the dishes and such back in the cabinet. Cookware in one cabinet, casserole dishes on another shelf, plates by the stove, spices over the stove, cups by the refrigerator, and so on until you have a kitchen system that is easy to follow and understand, and that allows you to easily find what you’re looking for.
Use organization tools
You can get baskets and odds-and-ends holders just about anywhere, or you can think outside the box. That cute little basket your bath set came in from a Christmas gift? It can help hold spices.
Have an unused, upright metal file organizer? Slide one in your cabinet to hold plates, paper, or real ones, or use a smaller one for holding napkins. Tall tin cans can be used to store cooking utensils.
Bring it all to the front
When putting things back in your cabinets, bring everything to the front. This will help you find things easier, but it also stops you from cramming too many things in one cabinet.
If you need more storage for serving platters or other such dishes, look into buying additional storage rather than cluttering up what you have. If that is not an option, dedicate one cabinet to all those extras and make them fit!
Teach the system to your family
No system will work if you don’t use it. Teach the new organization system to your family and have them use it with you so that they can help you keep your cabinets organized. It is a team effort to keep things running smoothly in any house, so be sure to involve your team!