Pipe Cleanerspreferably the same color as deco mesh
Wire Cutters or Old Worn Scissors
Cut pipe cleaners into 4 equal parts.
Starting with the red deco mesh, gather the end together and secure it with a pipe cleaner.
Attach the pipe cleaner to one of the inside supporting posts of the wreath form.
Move down the deco mesh about 6-8 inches and repeat the process of gathering and securing the deco mesh together (alternating between two bars). There will be one on a supporting post, then one in the middle between two posts, then the supporting post again. This will help hold the form of your wreath.
If you run out of red deco mesh, start the process where you left off until you read the starting point.
Trim excess deco mesh and repeat the process for the green & white deco mesh. You should also alternate which bars you are using for each color.
Once you have all the deco mesh attached to the wreath, add your Christmas Advent sign to the fill the middle section of the wreath. Attach it to the wreath form, using full-length pipe cleaners.
Fluff the wreath by moving different colors around to your desired look for the wreath.