3Rolls Deco Mesh from Dollar Treered, green & white
1Package of Pipe Cleanerspreferably in the same color of the deco mesh
1Reindeer Ornament
1 12inchWire Wreath Form
Fiskars Rolling Cutter
Rotary Cutting Mat
Wire Cutters or Old Worn Scissors
Roll deco mesh out to trim down on the rotary cutting mat.
With the rotary cutter, cut deco mesh into pieces that are 8-10 inches long. You should have 18-20 pieces for each color.
Continue this process until each roll has been cut, then set aside.
Cut pipe cleaners in half, then set aside.
Next, get one of the pieces of deco mesh and roll it up semi-tightly. Do this for one of each color.
Gather the 3 colors together and cinch them tightly in the middle with a pipe cleaner to hold them together.
Prep all the deco mesh pieces the same way and set aside.
Once all the deco mesh is gathered together, attach them to your wreath form alternating each piece between 2 bars. I chose to use the 2 center bars to alternate between.
Tighten each grouping to the wreath form snuggly around the wreath form until you have attached each and the wreath is completely full.
Once all the deco mesh has been attached, get the reindeer ornament and clip the string from it.
Lodge the reindeer to the center of the wreath to fill the space.